- New France – Norway mobility project funded by the PHC Aurora schemeHappy to annouce that we haved been awarded additional mobility funds to travel between France and Norway ! We are excited to start a new collaboration with Deta Gasser and Hanne-Kristin Paulsen, both structural geologists and experts in the geology of the Norwegian Caledonides where deposits that will be studied within the CMiO project are … Continue reading
- Nicolas Afanassieff has started his PhD in december 2024 !What if our ancient mines held the keys to our technological future? Today, I’m proud to announce a new adventure: the start of my PhD in Earth Sciences, on a subject at the crossroads of history and the future. My playground? The Massif Central, a region with breathtaking landscapes and a rich industrial history. My … Continue reading
- Cenozoic Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization in the Western Alps by M. Bertauts et al. published in GeologyThis study sheds light on how valuable metals like lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and silver (Ag) and associated critical metals formed in the Western Alps, a mountain range shaped by millions of years of geological activity. Using advanced techniques, we uncovered the processes behind these mineral deposits, linking their formation to the dramatic tectonic forces … Continue reading
- Kick-off meeting 1-2-3 of July in LargentièreVery pleased about the great unfolding of the kick-off meeting of the Critical Metals in Orogens (CMiO) 2024-2028 ANR Project from the 1st to the 3rd of July 2024, at the great Domaine de l’Eau Vive in the Ardèche region, near the former silver mine of l’Argentière. Special thanks to all the scientific participants and … Continue reading
- Preliminary field trip at Saint-Laurent-le-Minier with Jérémy, Colin and NathanDans le cadre de notre Licence 3 TEE et du projet ANR-CMIO Nathan de Fosset, Colin Cacace et moi-même avons participé au projet d’étude des métaux critiques (In, Ga, Ge) présents dans les anciennes mines de plomb et de zinc du Massif central, dirigé par Bénédicte Cenki-Tok. Nous avons étudié la concession de la mine … Continue reading
- Just back from field work in Lozère by Tess, Milena and NolannAu cours de notre année de licence 3 en TEE, Milena Sanz, Nolann Meynard et moi même avons dû choisir un projet de recherche. Nous avons décidé de travailler sur l’étude des métaux critiques (Ge,Ga,In) dans les anciennes mines de Plomb Zinc du Massif Central. Notre projet s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet de L’ANR … Continue reading
- Exploratory field trip in Massif CentralAn exploratory field trip in Massif Central for ANR CMiO has taken place in March 2023. We have visited several historic mines and our analytical work has revealed high concentration in Indium in sphalerite from mine dumps.